Friday, November 25, 2011


Kindness is always portrayed as a positive act. But I don't necessarily believe that the result must always be positive to consider the act kind. I also know you can find it everywhere and in every person. Kindness is a choice and everybody has a chance to be kind.
I don't think the result of a kind act has to be positive every time. It's the thought and intention that counts. As long as the person meant it to be good for another, it's a kind act. He could be protecting others feelings or trying to help him, which are good intentions and kind acts. I read in an article that "kindness is an act from the heart" and I completely agree and understand it. Like I said, as long as it's a truly kind intention from the heart, the act should be classified as kind.

Kindness can be found everywhere and ion almost every person. The Dalai Lama once said "Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness." which is true. It's up to them whether they're kind or not. If they aren't then they aren't but there was always an opportunity. Everybody is born with the chance to be kind, it's up to them whether they choose it. I like his saying very much because it states the truth. He doesn't say everybody is kind, but he does say that everybody gets the opportunity.

Kindness is a choice. People are not born kind nor unkind. It's not in any one's genes, it's the choice they make that defines whether they're kind or not. It's completely up to the person to choose and every single person on Earth is allowed to make their own choice. Yes, we all may accidentally mention something unkind once in a while but that doesn't we're not kind people. If we know how to handle our mistakes and make up for them, we still have the choice. It's up to us to make the right decision and pick kindness,

I'm not entirely sure how to define kindness. It's difficult to get it exactly right but I can only do my best. I think kindness is an act from the heart and an intention to do good to another. It's an act you do because you care and mean well for them. Even if it doesn't turn out positive in the end, kindness is the act of trying to make things well for another person. Though if you mean harm yet it turns out positive for that person, that is nowhere near being kind. I believe the main idea of kindness is the big point has to do with meaning well.

Kindness is an act from the heart. We can all choose it and many people have. I'm really thankful having kindness in the world and I value it. I can't
imagine what the world would be like without kindness. If nobody choose to be kind. That's why I value kindness and I suppose forgiveness is just as important. I find that it holds friendship ans kindness together.

Friday, November 18, 2011


In Humanities we took a short quiz to find out which profile we are and I turned out to be an A Profile. Last year we took the same quiz and I also received Profile A. So that means I had a basic idea of how I like to learn but I learned more last class.

I'm on the Logic side of the brain so that means I like instructions and other things given to me in order and in a sequence or specific order. I'm supposed to be good at step-by-step verbal and visual instructions. I completely agree with that because I always like very specific instructions, whether they're verbal or visual. I also learn best when focusing on details, the small things are good for me to learn. I also produce good work when writing and speaking, which I think is a good balance. Language, oral or written, is also very important to an A profile person because it helps our learning. It also says I'm supposed to be an auditory and visual learner. I'm not very sure about that though because other test show I'm more visual and kinesthetic than auditory.

As an A profile person, I have a lot 0f problems seeing the big picture. I have even more troubling seeing it when under stress but it does say that I am still able to "move forward" under stress. I'm very happy to hear that because I think it's a good skill to have to be able to progress even under stress. Another challenge I may face it connecting emotionally to things. But according to the book, my biggest challenge would be to access the gestalt hemisphere especially under stress.

I need to work on looking at the big picture and understanding more about it rather that picking out the details all the time. I also need to pay more attention to my instincts and trust my intuition. I need to learn to accept and be comfortable with uncertainty in language. It seems that I have trouble with expressing my emotions, so I need to be more a ware of my emotions and express them more. I plan on working on that in class discussions. The booklet also mentions that I should speak slower and use less words, which I don't exactly understand how that will help me and with what.

There are so many strategies that were recommended to me as an A Profile learner. I'll just mention a few. It supposed to be helpful for me to brainstorm and visualize unusual images in my mind. I think this is supposed to help me see a bigger picture. Another way to help see the big picture is to use actual pictures and symbols and mind maps, instead of outlines. THis will clearly let me see this in a general way. One of the biggest strategies is to participate in more sports or arts. Things like swimming, hiking and others for sports and music, dance for the arts. This is supposed to give me a good balance.

I would like teachers to know a few things about me. First I would like them to know I am right foot, hand, eye, and ear dominant so it can help with my seating position is class. I also want them to know I prefer to have things given to me in very specific sequence. Other than that I can deal with all the other things having to do with my A Profile. I feel I agree with most of the facts about my profile and think the strategy will help too!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


In the UK they are shutting down a lot of libraries and it's not right. The government should provide free access to books and it's wrong to cut the amount of supplied books. Many kids need all these different resources to help them learn and the library has millions of different books on one subject. The Government should encourage kids togo and use different book and learn more instead of cutting down the amount of books available. By taking away the kids' library they are forcing them to use a limited amount of resources. Most libraries include free internet access and since some families can't afford a computer for each child, a library is the next best thing. So they're not only taking books away but sometimes internet too.

The government is also decreasing the amount of knowledge people are receiving. Every time you read a book gain knowledge and broaden your imagination. Every kid deserves to grow up feeling like they're in a whole new world. People go to the library to get great books like that. There is no good reason why the government should take that away from people. Think how how many different things we would be missing out on. Knowledge, imagination, experiences to new worlds, and so much more!

There is an anonymous man who goes around to libraries and book festival so he can leave a sculpture made out of papers from books. It's really beautiful and inspiring. He leaves little notes saying things about keeping books around and
thanking them for respecting books. He's been doing it for a while now and the sculptures he makes are amazing! One of my favorites is about a boy being lost in the woods. It is supposed to represent someone being lost in the world of a great book. Here's a picture of i below.

There are a few kids who have gone out and protested against shutting down their local library. I think it's a really brave action but an effective one because your able to let others know how you feel about it and how your against it. We should all have a voice in situations similar to this one. We should all be able to have at least a small say in what happens. When these kids protest and fought for their library, I hope it inspires others to voice their opinions and stand up for what they believe in.

There is absolutely nothing positive comes out of getting rid of libraries. Less knowledge, less imagination, no experiencing new worlds, less internet supplies, and less resources. They are not only just getting rid of the library building but they are getting rid of those other wonderful things. People should stand up and show them the reality of what's better for people. We need libraries!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

For my quote, which is the title, I chose "Focus on the journey, not the destination." by Greg Anderson. Greg is actually a best-selling author and founder of the American Wellness Project. I chose this specific quote for two reasons. The first reason was because I never really thought about the paths of life like that before. I always wanted to get to the finish line in whatever decision I have ever made in my life. I always thought about the future, about what would happen in the end, plan ahead all the time. When I read this quote, I though about the journeys I went through instead of the destination. I figured out that I really always looked at the destination. For example, when I was about to start 6th grade I already started to try to get good grades to be good in high school, so I can get into a good college, to get a good job, have a good life, and so on! Now when I look back. What was I thinking with getting to my "destination"? Greg Anderson was right. I need to enjoy the journey, not the destination!

The second reason is because I completely agree with him. If you take any time to enjoy the journey your on, life's no fun. The journey is really the whole experience you can actually take away from life. Now I'm trying to focus more on the journey, like the quotes says. I really think it's a great way of living. A balance of dreams, planning and future! I really value the different paths I get to choose from in life, so I'm really enjoying the journey now!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The End Is Near

I think 6th grade in general was a really great year. Yes, everything was new and I most definitely scared at the beginning, but after a while, you get used to it all. The homework was quite a lot but always manageable and the students and teachers are all really nice. But we’re just about out of time in 6th grade and have to get ready for a new year in 7th grade. I can already tell things will be better since I already got a feel of middle school this year.

Instead of having a favorite piece of work to be proud of, I have a favorite assignment that we were given over and over again over the year. It’s Literature Circles! Just to make it clear, maybe I’m proud of my work on Literature Circles, but that does not mean I enjoy doing them. They take a lot of time and effort, or at least for me. But I think since the start, I’ve been pretty good at them and I’m really proud of that because it’s quite challenging to make a good Literature Circle. Throughout the year I’ve worked really hard on them and it’s one of my favorite pieces of work because I think I’ve done well.
My greatest challenge was probably the start of the year problems! When I first came to middle school I was so stressed and scared and worried and all those sorts of feelings. When I saw the homework I got really worried again because I wanted to do well and make friends, so nothing worked and everything was horrible! I was so stressed about middle school and life getting harder, I couldn’t focus and it was a mess. But I just calmed down and everything just fell back into order and nothing was hectic anymore! But it definitely was at first.

Throughout the year something I learned about myself as a learner is that I’m logic and can learn in any way. I never really thought about what type of way I learned, I just knew that I was able to learn! But when Mrs. Narsiman and Mr. Whiting started to talk about it I was really confused! I had absolutely no idea worked best for me. Luckily we took a short test to see what the results said and I turned out to be logic, which means I like things in order and given to me in steps. After thinking about it, I agreed with it and thought it made sense. We also had a test in health class that helped us understand what way we learn best. Do we learn best visually, by listening, or by moving around and being able to touch objects? My score for each one was quite close which means I can learn well in all areas. I was surprised because I thought I would be an audible learner, but it turned out to fairly even between the three. I now know what’s best for me as a learner!

What about work habits?

Behavior – I think my behavior is satisfactory. I think this because I don’t have the best behavior, but I don’t have the worst either. Yes, I listen to the teacher and finish all my work and try my best, which are the good things of course. But sometimes I may talk in class or get distracted really easily… I try not to but sometimes it just happens. I’m working on those two things in class right now!

Participation – I also think my participation in class is satisfactory. I can participate in class and sometimes I do. First of all, it depends on the question, class, or day. Sometimes I don’t know how to answer the question or I don’t know what to say. It could be because of the class I’m in. For example, I participate more in math than humanities. And the last reason may be because I feel like being quiet on that one particular day. I’m sure we all have those days where you just don’t feel like talking. Even though those are reasons why I don’t participate in class sometimes, I still speak and try to be involved a lot too.

Organization – I actually think I’m very organized. Well, maybe I need to be reminded of things once in a while, but most of the time I have my homework, know what day it is, know what the schedule is, and I’m usually quite organized with my work. I have been working on it throughout the year and humanities has been the main reason why. This is because the subject really requires students to be organized at all times!

Effort – I really put a lot of effort into all of my work. I always try to make it a good piece of work. It didn’t matter whether the work was for drama, math, or art. I put my own effort into it. I try to do my best and hope it’s enough. I’ve been giving it 100% ever since the beginning of 6th grade especially. I will keep on putting effort into my work in 7th grade too and years after that!


#1 My first goal for 7th grade is to be able to do as well as I am now academically. I think I’m doing quite well in school and I’d really like to keep that up and not fall behind. I’m not saying that my goal is to get all A+, but I want to be able to keep up the good work. For example, I want to be able to stay organized, participate, and yes I would like to get quite good grades. It would be a good goal to set for me because everything gets harder each time you change grades and I want to be able to make it through a harder year in 7th grade!

#2 My second goal for 7th grade is to improve on my behavior. I had recently said that I do sometimes talk in class and get distracted easily. Well for 7th grade I plan to try to stop talking and stay on task at often as I can. I really think this is possible and a reasonable goal to have. I also really hope I will reach it by the end of 7th grade at least since this is something teachers do not like in a student. Wish me luck!

Something I might want teachers in 7th grade to know about me might be that I believe that people work better with the people they choose to work with. Especially when they have had experience and know how and who they work best with. I also like having activities in class to make learning fun once in a while. Who doesn’t like and activity or game after quite a long period of time doing work? One last thing is that I actually enjoy school and my favorite subject is math. Just a couple of thing that you might want to know about me!

There is some advice or “Words of Wisdom” I’d give to the 5th graders coming to 6th grade. Well, there are three main pieces that I would give them. First would be, don’t stress! Everything will be fine and I know they all say that but it’s really true. I didn’t believe them either but I know what they mean now! You really will get the hang of everything really quickly and really soon! I know I did! The second piece of advice is to check the school site. They are there for you and they really help. Powerschool is good for you to check up on how you’re doing academically. It’s really useful, but don’t overuse it! Moodle is also a great site. It’s there for you to check your homework in case you forget. Always check that too because like Powerschool, it’s really useful. The last site you should check is your Panther Apps e-mail. Your teachers will send you e-mail and contact you through e-mail, so do not forget to check that daily just in case. My last piece of advice is to be organized. If you try to be organized, 6th grade will probably be a breeze for you. If you have all your stuff together and in order, you’re all set! Hope you 5th graders have an awesome 6th grade like I did!

~ Natalie 8D

Monday, April 4, 2011

Dear Rosemary,

You may not know who I am, but the Giver told me many wonderful characteristics about you. I am aware that you were the last Receiver in training before me and I wish that I could meet you in person. I also know that meeting you is not possible, so I decide to write you a letter discussing the training you had and also a bit about the outside world. First I would like to mention something the Giver quickly said to me. He had said that you applied for release because all the memories were too much for you to take on. I just wanted to tell you that it was almost the same for me. Once you were released, the rule that said I may not apply for released was added to the list of rules. I could also no longer take it and as I said, I may not apply for release, so I was forced to flee (Page 163). I don’t know whether the Giver gave you the memory of love or not, but that was the one feeling that drove me on to leave. Rosemary, there could be love (Page 129). I had to go and find the place where they had that warm feeling of love. It was horribly terrifying to leave, but at the same time it was fulfilling! I know it might sound quite easy to leave a town where there is no feeling or anything that can fill that emptiness caused by no feeling. But it’s not. As you probably know, if you escape, once you are gone, you can never return. Those words haunted me a bit, but there was one more thing holding me back from escaping. That one person that held me back, encouraged me to go, but I didn’t want to leave him with all the pain. That one person was your father, Rosemary. In other words, he was called the Giver. He was the one person that I knew felt emotions for me. He loved me the same way he loved you. I know what love means now and I think I feel love for him too. I have learned that love is so meaningful to a person and my community has decided to let that go. I see him every day with grief in his eyes and I know how much he suffers. I felt the same way and wanted to escape from the community and I just knew he wanted to leave too. But you father is a good man and cares about his people. He stayed to help them. But I left…

I also wanted to talk to you a bit about what I have learned from the community and from your father. The Giver was there for me and I realized he wanted the best for me. He considered my feelings and I learned that I had feelings too, thanks to your father. I never noticed how empty life in the community was until I became the Receiver in training. I’m sure you never knew so many things about the world either until you were also selected for the job. I was almost like you, I was so overwhelmed with the painful memories, but I was able to see the bright memories. I learned that love and feelings in general mean so much in life. The Giver and I shared feelings with each other for almost a year (Page 154). It was the most meaningful year of my life. I learned what feeling actually is and how the build a life. I left to find that life. It was a tough journey to, where you call, Elsewhere. Rosemary, I made it there! I found that world. I only wish you could be here with me right now to experience a really life and world. It’s nothing like the community. I mean, yes we have pain, but there are so many great feelings here too. I’m sure you would love it here. I now know that the old community had chosen to push away something that completed the world. Feelings and color and life were always there, we just never realized how much they meant to us.

So I am writing to you now from my perfect world. I just wanted to let you know that there is still a fulfilling world out there. I wish you would have lived to see this…

Sincerely, Jonas

Friday, March 25, 2011

How do chapters 16 ~ 18 relate to the theme of freedom and choice?

I definitely think that chapters 16 ~ 18 relate to the theme of freedom and choice. I’ll explain why I think it relates to choice and then I’ll explain how I think it relates to freedom.

First, I think the chapters were related to choice because Jonas ended up having to make a couple of really hard decisions. He was so upset with his town after experiencing how the world used to be so wonderful. The world used to have color, feelings, and freedom. Jonas was then presented with the choice to escape from his society and try to find Elsewhere or he could stay and try to cope with his world. That was a choice for him to make and it seems like he would obviously choose to leave but it wasn’t so easy. Getting to Elsewhere was a very difficult challenge and when he left, he knew he would be on his own with nobody to take care of him through the journey. He would also really miss his parents, Lily, Asher, Fiona, and especially the Giver. But staying in his town wasn’t so easy either. He would have to suffer the pain of having the emptiness from no feeling, color, and music. Jonas has already been sad with living in a world where hardly anybody would really know how he felt because only one person would be there for him. Jonas had to make an amazingly huge and difficult choice but he chose to leave. Right when everything was in place, another choice came his way. Jonas’ father had mentioned that they were going to release Gabriel and Jonas had just found out what release really meant. He had to decide if he would take Gabriel on the journey with him or not. Once again that was not an easy decision. The little baby could suffer through more pain by going through such a challenging journey than if he were just released. But of Jonas was strong enough to keep Gabriel alive, they would both be happy Elsewhere. It was really a matter of life or death for Gabriel and Jonas decided to take the chance and bring Gabriel along with him. That’s how choice was related and what the choices were.

I think the chapters relate to the topic of freedom because of the way Jonas became free at the end of the book and he had the freedom to make decisions. In his town there was no freedom to make choices and I believe that being able to make choices is a type of freedom. As I mention already, Jonas had a couple of difficult choices to make. That means that there was already some freedom for him. When Jonas decided to escape from his society and leave to find Elsewhere with Gabriel, he was practically choosing to be free. He knew that there would be colors, music, and a different world outside from his. In that world there would be freedom and he would be so captivated like he was in sameness. Jonas’ society had no freedom and all you really had to do was follow orders. When Jonas escaped and finally made it to Elsewhere at the very end of the book, he was free! Free from all the ridiculous rules, free from choices being made from him, free from the hunger for life. He had what he had always wanted. A town full of love, music, color, and other people that could feel things like he could. He was absolutely in every way free!

In conclusion, chapters 16 ~ 18 was related to freedom and choice because Jonas ended up having to make a couple of really hard decisions. Also because of the way Jonas became free at the end of the book and he had the freedom to make decisions

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why does Jonas find the instruction about lying so disturbing?

I think Jonas found the instruction about lying so disturbing for a couple of reasons. The first one is because since he’s in such a perfect society, lying would probably be against the rules and he also had never experienced it before. The second reason is because he probably thought that lying is a very horrible thing. Maybe even as bad as what we think about a crime. For example Jonas said "Finally he steeled himself to read the final rule again. He had been trained since earliest childhood, since his earliest learning of language, never to lie." (Page 70).

For the first reason, I said that since Jonas lives in such a perfect society, lying would probably be against the rules. I also mentioned that he had never experienced it before. What Jonas did not understand was that there is such thing as a white lie, which is lying for a good cause. All he knew was that lying is not right and he shouldn’t do it. That’s the way he was raised. I think he felt that lying is a form of rudeness, disrespect and also breaking rules. When he read the list of instructions, it said he was allowed to lie, but in such a perfect community, I think he thought there was no reason to lie about anything. His community had probably thought the same thing and made it a rule not to lie. It must have disturbed Jonas to think about himself lying to other people and then it probably would have made him feel guilty inside. Jonas isn’t like the others, but I think he still felt the same way as them about breaking rules.

For the second reason, I said Jonas most likely thought that lying was such a horrible thing. Maybe even like the same way we feel about a crime. I wanted to connect our society to Jonas’ by looking at the rules. Like in our community we have laws and if you break one, there are consequences and it’s probably the same for Jonas’ community with their rules. I think Jonas might have been scared to lie even though he was excused from that law. For example, if someone told you that you could commit a crime and would not have to go to jail; wouldn’t you still decide not to do the crime? For us it might not be so horrible to lie at times, but for them it’s against their law. You’re not allowed to do it! I think that’s why it really disturbs Jonas so much.

As a conclusion, I think Jonas was disturbed by being allowed to lie because it was against his rules. He was raised to believe that it was a really bad thing to do, and because there was never any point to lie about anything, he had never thought or dealt with lying before!

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Giver: Would you like your future to be decided by others? Why or why not?

I have chosen this question because I thought it was a pretty tough one after you think about for a while. At first everyone thinks no because you want to have a choice of what you want to do. But sometimes it might be good to not have to make such big decisions. Maybe you do know what you want, so then it's great to be able to choose. But if you don't, it's much easier to have someone to make the decision for you.

I finally decided that I don't want choices to be made for me by someone else. I want some kind of freedom in life, not too much freedom but at least enough to make certain decisions. I realized that instead of having someone else make the enitre choice for me, I think I'd rather have someone helping me to choose. Like my mom or my dad could help me to figure out the choices, but then I could still decide by myself what I think is right for me. You would still have someone there you can depend on to help, but you can still make your own choices. For example in The Giver, Jonas is starting to wonder about all the decisions the Elders make and starts to question things about his "perfect" town. He can't make any choices for himself. Nothing at all! Jonas is starting to worry about the job he is going to be assigned to. He's afraid that he will be disappointed with his job. I think he started to question why he's not allowed to choose his own job.

I'm a logic type of person, so I like things to be given to me in a certain order and I want to know how to do things, but sometimes I also want to mix it up and not have things in order and just play with stuff. I sometimes feel that way about choices too. Sometimes I want to be able to just do things that someone else I trust thinks is right for me, but sometimes I feel like I want to do what I like, not what you want me to do. As I said, if I had to choose one, I would rather make my own decisions. I think Jonas feels the same. I think he may be happy that others can choose what job he has to do because he said he doesn't really know what he wants to do. But I also think he kind of wants to choose his job too because he's scared that he won't like the job that's selected for him. In general, I am convinced that he wants to make his own choices. Just like me!

As a conclusion, I would like to make my own decisions, but with help from others. If that is a choice. Otherwise I would choose to make my own decisions in general. In my opinion, I think Jonas might feel the same way. How do you feel about this question?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sol and Natalie Ancient Egypt

Egyptian Pharaoh Assignment

I think maybe ancient Egyptian Pharaohs created monuments to leave a piece of them behind. Maybe they wanted to be remembered even after their time had passed. So building something special to them or a dedication, could remain there forever and people would rediscover it over and over again. Pharaohs might also have created monuments to show they're appreciation for one. For example, I know that Cleopatra built a monument called Caesareum in honor of Julius Caesar and I'm guessing she did that because she loved him.

One of the monuments in today's society would be the Statue of Liberty in New York. The monument was built as a gift by France to the United States. The statue in general represents freedom. It's like Cleopatra giving Julius Caesar the monument of the Caesareum and the the French gave the United States a monument called the Statue of Liberty. Cleopatra's gift probably means love, while the French people's gift if an offering showing freedom.

Another monument that's famous is the Petronas Twin Towers. It's located right here in Malaysia and is the landmark of Kuala Lumpur. It used to be the tallest building in the world until Tapei 101 built. The two Argentine men who designed the Twin Towers were Cesar Pelli and Djay Cerico. My guess was that these two men tried to make the towers the tallest in the world, but in Ancient Egypt, I don't think that was the goal of monuments!

Using Google Docs as the main portal for collaboration really helped, because you and your partner would be able to work on the same page at the same time and could see what the other was doing and they could chat with each other through the doc to give suggestions and things like that. It was an easy and great way for you to collaborate with your partner!

From this assignment, I learned a lot more about my Pharaoh, which was Cleopatra. Before this project I only knew the basics about her, like she killed herself with an asp. But after this project I learned so much more about her and how she really helped her country. I also learned a little about her love life and why she killed herself with an asp. It was a really interesting topic and I enjoyed it a lot.

Something challenging about this project was getting everything done in time and with good quality work. We had to get information, the right graphics, and make a pretty good and short iMovie. It was a challenge to do all that but hopefully Sol (my partner) and I got everything covered!

The school wide learning result that I think was evident in this project was probably "Collaborate Constructively", "Communicate Effectively", and "Learn Enthusiastically" because that's exactly what we did in this project!

In general I had a really fun time doing this project. I enjoyed making the iMovie most of all and also working with a partner was great!

Sources for Pictures:

Friday, January 28, 2011

My City Connections Reflection
In class we had to present our City Connections Powerpoints. I chose Kuala Lumpur as the city that I call home since I've lived here for 11 years.
Something I think I did well on my project was the information I included. I put in all the facts needed on each topic. Mrs. Narsiman gave us an outline of what kind of information should be on the powerpoint and I think I did a pretty good job on gathering the facts. We had to write about the Enviormental factors, the History, Statistical information and other extra things. For my prospective, I covered all topics and information.
Something I would like to improve on for future presentations and projects would be to be able to be confident. Whenever I get up in front of a class, I start to freak out and get nervous, so I start to fidget and move. Sometimes I memorize what I need to say but look at the board anyways because I don't want to make eye contact with anybody. So in the future I would like to be able to get up in front of people and be confident that I can present information. I know I need to work on presenting because when I spoke to the class about my city, I mover my feet a lot and played with my pockets. I also looked at the board quite a few times. But my goal for next time is to not do any of that!
I learned from my presentation and other's that if you're confident, then everyone else will think you're confident and everything will work out fine. For example, I saw other people so comfortable while they presented and I thought about why I was worried. Silly me to be worried about something so small. I also learned new things about different countries. I never knew so many things that my friends told me. It's really interesting to listen about different countries and their history and cultures.
I think I did well on my performance. I had the facts and presented all of them. I could have done much worse, but I could have also done much better. I could improve my project in many ways. Hope fully I can take my mistake and use them to help me in my next million projects. I can only improve because I have to present for the rest of my life no matter what. It just won't stop!

Monday, January 10, 2011

☺ My New Years Resolutions ☺

What is my first New Years Resolution?
     I have never really made a New Years resolution before and I was sure what it should be. I thought about the resolutions that most people in the world make. Then I tried to see which one might really help me this year. After a while, I thought maybe to get myself organized would be a pretty good start. I do need to get organized and stay organized . . .

     I can actually be quite organized at times, but when I try to get organized, sometimes I can't keep it up. For example, my locker. At the beginning of the day my locker is neat and organized because it's a good way to get through middle school. But by the time school is almost over, my locker is a complete mess! While the day goes on, I get tired of putting things in order after every class. So I want to be able to have my locker in order.

     Another reason why I want to be organized is because I can never find anything anymore! I loose all my personal belongings inside my own house. When I use something, that will probably be the last time I see it before the object disappears to someplace. I really want to be able to put my things in an orderly ways, so that I could find them again! And I also hope I can find the items I "lost".

2nd resolution?
     My second resolution for 2011 would be to get more fit. I honestly don't think I am fat, but I don't think I am fit as in healthy. This is because I don't exercise much when I really enjoy watching TV. And I also don't eat healthy food. I want to be able to stay skinny and be healthy with food habits. I always eat junk food, which will never benefit me in the future.

     Getting fit is actually one of the most made New Years Resolutions along with getting organized. I obviously agree with the top resolutions because mine are within that catagory. What are your new years resolutions?

Where did I go for Christmas Vacation?

     For my vacation I went to Germany to visit my dad's side of the family. My dad left before us, so my mom and I traveled without him.When we finally reached Hamburg after several hours in the plane, There was snow everywhere! I was so excited to play in the snow, but wasn't looking forward to the freezing temperature. But you can't have everything.

     We all had a white Christmas, including my uncle and aunt's new puppy! The family had a deliciouse dinner and exchanged great presents. Everyone was there! My mom, dad, uncle, aunt, grandmother, cousins, and me (I guess the puppy kind of counts). Everyone enjoyed the night and gifts!

     At New Years we bought fireworks and shot them into the sky along with all the other neighbors. And yes it's legal there! It was loud, but so much fun. Everybody had a great New Years and once again everyone was there, at least most of the time. If I were to describe my holiday in Germany with one word I would say "Perfect"!

~ Natalie